Parasite axis demo#

This example demonstrates the use of parasite axis to plot multiple datasets onto one single plot.

Notice how in this example, par1 and par2 are both obtained by calling twinx(), which ties their x-limits with the host's x-axis. From there, each of those two axis behave separately from each other: different datasets can be plotted, and the y-limits are adjusted separately.

This approach uses mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.parasite_axes.host_subplot and mpl_toolkits.axisartist.axislines.Axes.

The standard and recommended approach is to use instead standard Matplotlib axes, as shown in the Multiple y-axis with Spines example.

An alternative approach using mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.parasite_axes.HostAxes and mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.parasite_axes.ParasiteAxes is shown in the Parasite Axes demo example.

demo parasite axes2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from mpl_toolkits import axisartist
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import host_subplot

host = host_subplot(111, axes_class=axisartist.Axes)

par1 = host.twinx()
par2 = host.twinx()

par2.axis["right"] = par2.new_fixed_axis(loc="right", offset=(60, 0))


p1, = host.plot([0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2], label="Density")
p2, = par1.plot([0, 1, 2], [0, 3, 2], label="Temperature")
p3, = par2.plot([0, 1, 2], [50, 30, 15], label="Velocity")

host.set(xlim=(0, 2), ylim=(0, 2), xlabel="Distance", ylabel="Density")
par1.set(ylim=(0, 4), ylabel="Temperature")
par2.set(ylim=(1, 65), ylabel="Velocity")



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