For guidance on debugging an installation, see Frequently asked questions.
Problems with git#
First, make sure you have a clean build and install (see How to completely remove Matplotlib), get the latest git update, install it and run a simple test script in debug mode:
rm -rf /path/to/site-packages/matplotlib*
git clean -xfd
git pull
python -m pip install -v . > build.out
python -c "from pylab import *; set_loglevel('debug'); plot(); show()" > run.out
and post build.out
and run.out
to the matplotlib-devel
mailing list (please do not post git problems to the users list).
Of course, you will want to clearly describe your problem, what you are expecting and what you are getting, but often a clean build and install will help. See also Get help.
Unlink of file */_c_internal_utils.cp311-win_amd64.pyd
The DLL files may be loaded by multiple running instances of Matplotlib; therefore check that Matplotlib is not running in any other application before trying to unlink this file. Multiple versions of Matplotlib can be linked to the same DLL, for example a development version installed in a development conda environment and a stable version running in a Jupyter notebook. To resolve this error, fully close all running instances of Matplotlib.